Sunday, November 23, 2014

Shit My Students Say...

“Why aren't you married yet?”

Student: “Stoltzfus is a hobbit from the book The Hobbit” Me: “So I’ve heard! But I’m not a hobbit” Student “NO you’re not a hobbit, you’re too beautiful”

“Do you know any movie stars?”

"Do you have a boyfriend in America?"

A note that was handed to me after class ended: “If you would like to make some party on the weekend text me on Facebook. If you want to learn some stuff over Hamburg! Make some friends. Have a nice trip. Nice to meet ya.”

“American English sounds sexier than British English”

Every time the teacher introduces me as Alethea Stoltzfus, they all go “Stoltzfus?!?!” and then they mutter among themselves until someone works up the courage to ask me if my name is German (one kid did figure out that my first name is Greek, which was quite impressive)

Student: “What are your hobbies?” Me: “I like to read” Student: “We are plumbers, we can’t read”

“In America are people brown or white?”

“You are the first American I’ve ever met…can I hug you?”

“Do you have a black boyfriend?”

“Do you know Tupac?”

“How old are you?”

"Where do they make parties in Boston?"

“Why are you so skinny?”

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