Monday, December 1, 2014

List Time!

So I have been here for three months (HOW IS IT DECEMBER ALREADY), and it’s time for some more lists (and recent photos from a freezing trip to Planen und Blomen):

Things I miss about Boston/the U.S.

1. Friday nights in Allston, aka me and my best friend getting drunk, watching Disney movies, and painting our nails (Nail art is my drunk skill. I once did French tips free hand while drunk, and that takes mad skills guys).

2. The ability to go to the grocery store once a month and buy food in bulk (I don’t need the temptation of going to the grocery store several times a week, it just isn't good for my bank account or my health).

3. My family. They are bat-shit crazy but I love and miss them.

Things I don’t miss about Boston/the U.S.

1. Nope, still don’t miss working retail.

2. Nope, still don’t miss the embodiment of frustration and torture that is the green line.

3. Nope, definitely didn't miss working 12-16 hours on Black Friday and hating life and loathing humanity.

Things I love about Hamburg/Germany

1. The Central library here in Hamburg, because it is huge and amazing and has a giant section of English books, which should fulfill my bookworm needs while I am here.

2. The Germans seem to love Christmas just as much as (if not more than) Americans, and started decorating for it right after Halloween, and the Christmas markets just started up and I am so excited. It’s like a winter wonderland up in this bitch, minus the snow.

3. How welcoming the expat community has been. I’ve joined several expats groups, among them a book club and two photography clubs, and I have realized how amazing it is to be surrounded by people who not only share your interests, but also can relate to the experience of being an expat.

Things I’m not liking about Hamburg/Germany so far

1. The German language is actually really hard in practice. Also I have given up on ever being able to roll my r’s. My mouth just simply doesn't want to make that sound, sorry guys.

2. Obviously school/teaching has not been going particularly well, but I am meeting with someone this week to discuss the situation, so hopefully all goes well.

3. The impending cold grey winter that everyone keeps talking about (not that Boston’s winters are better, but you get my point). Gonna need to find something to occupy myself with when it's all dark and miserable this winter!

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